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Thoughts about DevOps and automation from a Windows guy

  1. DevOps From A Operations Perspective

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    A very good read about DevOps from a Operations perspective. >>

  2. VMware Provisioning with PowerShell DSC

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    I've written about the idea of [VMware Provisioning with PowerShell DSC before and now I want to show how you can accomplish this using a working example. Below is an admittedly basic but functional custom DSC module to deploy VMs using VMware's PowerCLI. >>

  3. Backup UCS configuration with PowerShell

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    If you're in a situation where you need to backup your UCS configuration with PowerShell then continue reading. Below you will see how you can schedule a PowerShell script to backup all the UCS Manager configurations in your environment and save them to a SMB share. >>

  4. SQL Server Installation with DSC

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    If you're looking for an example of a SQL Server Installation with DSC then read below. >>

  5. Introducing ServerDB - The CMDB You Actually Want to Use

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    I'd like to talk about a project I'm been working on called ServerDB. This has been a pet project of mine for a number of years now and recently I've started developing a new version from the ground up intended for a wider audience. >>