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Thoughts about DevOps and automation from a Windows guy

  1. Storing PowerShell Module Default Values in Your User Profile

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    As you develop your PowerShell modules, you may run into the issue where many of your module cmdlets require a common parameter in order to function. This may be a FQDN for an API endpoint or a folder path your module uses. You could of course, supply this parameter each time you invoke the cmdlet, but this is tedious when working with the module interactively. Below you will see an option for storing PowerShell module default values in your user profile. >>

  2. Designing Your PowerShell Module for Maintainability

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    If you have used PowerShell for any length of time, I'm sure you've started to amass a fair number of scripts and functions to automate all your various IT tasks. It is usually at this time that you start to look at creating your own modules to package up these pieces of code to make them more reusable for yourself and others. I'm not going to go into specifics on HOW to create PowerShell modules, there are plenty of resources for that out for that. Instead, I want to talk about designing your PowerShell module for maintainability. >>

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    It’s supposed to be automatic, but actually you have to push this button.

    - John Brunner

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    Just because something doesn’t do what you planned it to do doesn’t mean it’s useless.

    - Thomas Edison

  5. AutomaCon - The Infrastructure as Code Conference

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    AutomaCon - The Infrastructure as Code Conference September 15-17, 2015 Portland, OR >>