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Thoughts about DevOps and automation from a Windows guy

  1. POSHOrigin - Configuration File

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    This is part 3 of a 9 part series about POSHOrigin, a PowerShell module that aims to assist you in managing your Infrastructure via custom PowerShell DSC resources. >>

  2. POSHOrigin - Installation

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    This is part 2 of a nine part series about POSHOrigin, a PowerShell module that aims to assist you in managing your Infrastructure via custom PowerShell DSC resources. >>

  3. POSHOrigin - Summary

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    This is the first of a nine part series about POSHOrigin, a PowerShell module that aims to assist you in managing your Infrastructure via custom PowerShell DSC resources. >>

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    The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.

    - Bill Gates

  5. PowerShell Module for ClickStudio’s PasswordState

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    Most organizations will have some sort of enterprise or departmental password vault. If they don't, they seriously need to think about implementing one. Below you'll see a PowerShell module I've written to interface with ClickStudio's PasswordState application via their REST API. >>